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为了推进日光温室蔬菜高效节能栽培技术的开发与推广,加强菜篮子工程建设,全国农业技术推广总站于7月下旬至8月中旬,在熊岳农业专科学校举办了四期日光温室蔬菜高效节能栽培技术培训班。学员主要来自京、冀、晋、蒙、辽、吉、黑、鲁、豫、陕、宁、新等12个省、自治区、直辖市,共1063人。其中专业技术干部588人,农民475人。有许多农民是闻讯自费长途跋涉赶赴培训班参加学习的。培训班的主讲老师都是从沈阳农业大学、熊岳农专和大连市 In order to promote the development and popularization of high efficient and energy-saving cultivation techniques of vegetables in solar greenhouse and to strengthen the construction of vegetable basket project, the National Agricultural Technology Extension Station held four energy-saving and high-efficient vegetables cultivation techniques for solar greenhouse in Xiong Yue Agricultural College from late July to mid-August. Training class. The trainees mainly came from 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Mongolia, Liao, Kyrgyzstan, Black, Lu, Yu, Shan, Ning and New China. Among them, there are 588 professional and technical cadres and 475 peasants. Many peasants are hearing that they have long journeys to the training courses to study at their own expense. The lecturers of the training courses are all from Shenyang Agricultural University, Xiong Yue agricultural college and Dalian city