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各分支行信贷员同志们:当前正值夏季粮油收购大忙季节,各地分支行的干部职工,特别是信贷员同志们,在夏收第一线,为保证收购资金供应、搞好封闭运行管理而辛勤工作。总行党委向各地分支行同志们表示亲切的慰问!实现收购资金封闭运行是党中央、国务院赋予我行的一项十分光荣而艰巨的任务。国务院领导同志对收购资金供应与管理工作非常重视,对我们提出了明确的要求。今年4月份以来,总行党组根据国务院领导同志的指示精神,采取了一系列整改措施,对收购资金封闭运行管理工作进行了全面部署。各级行认真贯彻国务院粮改决定和总行有关规定,及时转变观念,强化信贷管理,为实现收购资金封闭运行做了大量工作。经过全行上下的共同努力,我行粮棉油收购资金封闭运行管理工作逐步取得了成效,得到了国务院领导同志的肯定和鼓励。这些成绩的取得是全行干部职工共同努力的结果,特别是与在基层工作的广大信贷员的辛勤工作分不开的。总行党委向同志们表示衷心的感谢! Loan comrades in all branches and comrades: At the moment when the summer grain and oil harvesting is in a busy season, all the cadres and workers in branches and sub-branches, especially loan officers, work hard to ensure the supply of funds for the acquisition and do well in the closed operation and management jobs. The party committee of the head office expressed cordial condolences to the comrades in all branches and sub-branches. The realization of the closed operation of the acquisition funds is a glorious and arduous task entrusted to the bank by the Central Party Committee and the State Council. The leaders of the State Council attach great importance to the supply and management of acquisition funds, and set forth clear requirements for us. Since April this year, the party leaders of the head office have taken a series of corrective measures in accordance with the directives of leading officials under the State Council, and have conducted a comprehensive deployment of closed operations and management of the funds acquired. The departments at all levels conscientiously implemented the decisions of the State Council on food reform and the relevant provisions of the head office, changed their concepts in a timely manner, strengthened credit management and did a great deal of work in order to realize the closed operation of the funds purchased. Through the joint efforts of the whole bank, the Bank successfully obtained the results of closed operation and management of the acquisition of grain, cotton and oil, and won the recognition and encouragement from the leading comrades of the State Council. The achievement of these achievements is the result of joint efforts of the cadres and workers of the entire bank, especially the hard work of the vast number of loan officers working at the grassroots level. The party committee of the head office expresses heartfelt thanks to the comrades!