光阴荏苒,又及年终。2010年已经成为历史,在岁末盘点刚刚逝去的一年,中国艺术市场大事如幻灯片般历历在目。《艺术市场》将从艺术事件、艺术“天价”、艺术展览3个角度,以时间为序,以述评的方式梳理中国艺术界在201 0年极具影响力的瞬间。与以往在新年第一期的“盘点”意义不同,对于2010年艺术市场的回顾不仅仅是为了展望,也是为了对以往的纪念。过去一年,那些值得铭记的日期、事件和人物,彻底颠覆了艺术市场的既有面貌。毋庸置疑的是,在拍卖、画廊、艺术博览会、艺术家个人史等诸多角度,201 0年都将以不同的形象被载入历史,而历史本身也将为此找到一个新的起点。已经有很长时间,艺术市场不曾展现它如此精彩纷呈的多样性。
Time flies, but also the end of the year. 2010 has become history, the stock market just passed the end of the year, the Chinese art market events as vivid as a slide show. The Art Market will sort out the most influential moments in the Chinese art scene in 201 0 from the perspectives of art events, art “price ” and art exhibitions in the order of time. In the past, unlike the “inventory” meaning of the first phase of the New Year, the review of the art market in 2010 is not only for the sake of the future, but also for the commemoration of the past. In the past year, those dates, events and figures that deserve to be remembered have completely overturned the existing face of the art market. Undoubtedly, in many angles such as auctions, galleries, art fairs and personal history of artists, the images will be loaded into history in different images in 20o, and history itself will find a new starting point. It has been a long time since the art market has not demonstrated its diversity of diversity.