同志們,同学們: 你們好! 問你們好!向你們致无产阶級的革命的敬礼! 我們向来自全国各地的革命学生和教职員工表示热烈的欢迎!你們辛苦了! 党中央刚刚开过了第十一次全体会議。这次会議是在毛主席亲自主持下进行的。这是一次具有伟大历史意义的会議。这次会議的成功,是毛泽东思想的新胜利。这几天,全北京在欢騰,全国城乡在欢騰,到处敲鑼打鼓,送喜报,开庆祝会,下决心书,亿万
Comrades and students: Hello, Hello, I am going to give you a salute to the proletarian revolution! We warmly welcome revolutionary students and faculty members from all over the country! You worked hard! The Central Government has just opened Eleventh plenary meeting. The meeting was presided over by Chairman Mao himself. This is a great historic event. The success of this meeting is a new victory of Mao Zedong Thought. These days, all Beijing is jubilant, the country is exulting in urban and rural areas, gongs and drums are everywhere, giving good news, celebrating and deciding books, hundreds of millions