1999年,对于江苏联通来说是极不平凡的一年,其新增用户比1998年增长五倍多,提前一百天完成全年用户发展计划,新发展用户数在系统内折桂,可以说,江苏联通创造了全国联通系统的奇迹。为此记者走访了江苏联通总经理陈元虎,谈及其发展的秘诀,陈总深有感触地说:“主要是为人才创造一种宽松的环境。” 陈总介绍说,当今世界,以信息技术为主要标志的科学技术日新月异,知识经济初见端倪,从一定意义上讲,21世纪的竞争就是人才的竞争。作为一个企业,尤其是
In 1999, it was a very special year for Jiangsu Unicom. Its new subscribers increased more than five times as much as that of 1998, and completed the annual user development plan one hundred days ahead of schedule. The number of newly-developed subscribers was within the system, Said that Jiangsu Unicom created a miracle of China Unicom system. To this end the reporter visited Chen Yuanhu, general manager of Jiangsu Unicom, talked about the secret of its development, Chen said with deep feeling: “mainly for the talent to create a relaxed environment.” Chen said that in today's world, with information technology As the main symbol of the rapid changes in science and technology, knowledge economy clues to the beginning, in a sense, the competition in the 21st century is the talent competition. As a business, especially