金秋时节,笔者前往重庆江津市采访了赫赫有名的传奇式英雄——志愿军一级英雄谭秉云。 70多岁的谭老坐在轮椅上向笔者讲述了那一段令他骄傲和自豪的战斗经历。 1951年5月,第五次战役胜利结束后,敌军趁我军后撤之际,出动大批机械化部队,企图截断我军后撤之路。情况万分危急,尚在北汉江以南的我军大部队,机关、后勤面临被“包饺子”的危险。 我7连奉命在麟蹄至自隐里公路旁的390高地上,阻击向北冒犯之敌。连里把扼守公路反击敌人坦克的任务交
Autumn season, I went to Jiangjin City, Chongqing Interview with the legendary legendary hero - Volunteers, a hero Tan Bingyun. 70-year-old Tan sat in a wheelchair to tell the author that he was proud and proud battle experience. In May 1951, after the victory of the Fifth Campaign, the enemy forces dispatched a large number of mechanized units to take advantage of the retreat of our army in an attempt to cut off the path of our army’s withdrawal. In a critical situation, the large army units, organs and logistic units still facing the south of the North Han River were in danger of being “dumplings.” I was even ordered to stop the enemy offensive to the north at 390 Heights to the heights of the highways. Even Lane to guard the highway counterattack enemy tanks to pay the task