
来源 :中国品牌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LittleE1032
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以深入实施品牌战略为抓手,坚持质量引领,标准提升,烟台市不断打造核心竞争力和品牌发展新优势近年来,烟台市抓住战略转型发展的机遇期,牢固树立质量强市理念,以深入实施品牌战略为抓手,坚持质量引领,标准提升,创新驱动,品牌带动,持续加大品牌建设的规划、培育、带动和保护力度,着力提升产品质量、工程质量和服务质量,不断打造核心竞争力和发展新优势,促进了“烟台制造”向“烟台创造”转变,推 In order to deepen the implementation of the brand strategy as the starting point, adhere to the quality guide, standard upgrade, Yantai continue to build core competitiveness and brand development of new advantages In recent years, Yantai seize the opportunity of strategic transformation and development, firmly establish the concept of strong quality to In-depth implementation of the brand strategy as the starting point, adhere to the quality of leadership, standard improvement, innovation-driven, brand-driven, continue to increase the brand building planning, nurturing, driving and protection efforts, focus on improving product quality, project quality and service quality, and constantly create the core Competitiveness and development of new advantages, promoted “Yantai manufacturing ” to “Yantai create ” change, push
摘要:传统的语文作业设计重视知识的积累,但不利于能力的培养,重视课内的重复,忽视课外探究、延伸。新课改要求我们转变陈旧的教育观念,让学生在完成过程中体验幸福和快乐,使作业成为学生成长的一种自觉的需要。  关键词:小学语文;课外作业;作业方法  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)02-083-2  一、学生自主选择,发挥学生的自主性  当前小学语文作业的设