在全党和全国人民认真学习贯彻党的十四大精神热潮中,我们满怀喜悦的心情,迎来了《重型机械》杂志创刊四十周年。到今年4月1日,《重型机械》已整整度过了四十个春秋。作为《重型机械》杂志的主办单位,我们向四十年来关心、爱护、支持本刊物的各级领导、兄弟单位以及广大作者、读者,表示崇高的敬意和衷心地感谢!我们期望在未来的岁月里,把《重型机械》刊物办得越来越好,为振兴重型机械行业的科研、生产和不断促进科技进步,做出新的更大贡献! 当前,我们西重所同各兄弟单位一样,正
As the entire party and the people of the country have been conscientiously studying and implementing the spirit of the 14th National Party Congress, we have filled with joy and ushered in the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the magazine “Heavy Machinery”. By April 1 this year, Heavy Machinery had spent 40 years in the spring. As the organizer of “Heavy Machinery” magazine, we express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to all leaders, brothers, and authors and readers at all levels who have cared for, loved and supported this publication for the past 40 years! We look forward to the years ahead. In the past, the “Heavy Machinery” publication has been getting better and better. It has made new and greater contributions to revitalizing the scientific research, production, and continuous promotion of scientific and technological advancement in the heavy machinery industry. Currently, we, like our fraternal units, positive