苏联在1962年决定实施一项国家性的超深钻探计划,孔深大于6000米.现计划约20个孔,其中第一个孔科拉SG-3位于穆尔曼斯克地区贝辰加镍矿区. 超深钻计划旨在解决三个互相关联而又极其复杂的课题:1.陆壳的构造和演化;2.探寻深处包括油气在内的矿床;3.在孔深10~15公里的高温高压条件下深孔钻探实践及其经济技术问题. 科拉钻孔深度已超过11500米(1982年8月孔深11515米),目标为15000米.至今世界上只有两个孔超过9000米(均位于美国的沉积
The Soviet Union decided in 1962 to implement a national ultra-deep drilling program with a hole depth of more than 6,000 meters. It is planned to have about 20 holes, of which the first Kongolla SG-3 is located in the Bechenchang nickel mine in the Murmansk region The ultra-deep drilling program aims to solve three interlinked and extremely complex issues: 1. The structure and evolution of the continental crust; 2. Exploration of mineral deposits, including oil and gas deep; 3. In the depth of 10-15 km Deep hole drilling practice and its economic and technical problems under high temperature and high pressure. Kora drilling depth has exceeded 11,500 meters (hole depth of 11,515 meters in August 1982), the target is 15,000 meters .There are only two holes in the world more than 9000 meters Are located in the United States deposition