各位领导,各位贵宾,各位朋友: 首先,请允许我代表在座的幼教界同仁、中国学前教育研究会的全体会员、全国广大幼教工作者对各位领导,各位贵宾的光临表示最热烈的欢迎、最衷心的感谢! 今天,我们欢聚一堂,共同纪念中国第一所幼儿园诞生一百周年,缅怀中华民族幼教事业的奠基人和先导者,回顾百年来我国幼教事业发展的历史进程,思考如何继续沿着幼教先驱们所开创的“民族化、大众化、科学化”的道路开拓进取,再创辉煌。我们深信,我们是在为儿童谋幸福,也是在为社会谋发展,为中华民族的振兴做贡献。
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, First of all, allow me to express my warmest welcome to all leaders and distinguished guests on behalf of my colleagues in the preschool education sector, all the members of China Preschool Education Research Association and the nationwide preschool education workers. Heartfelt thanks! Today, we gather to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the first kindergarten in China, to cherish the memory of the founder and pioneer of the cause of the Chinese nation’s preschool education, to review the historical course of the development of China’s preschool education over the past century, and to consider how to continue along the pioneering path of preschool education The pioneering “nationalization, popularization and scientific” path forging ahead and create greater glories. We are convinced that we are seeking happiness for our children. We are also contributing to the development of society and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.