Local legislation such as Jiangsu and Shandong incorporated the family cooperatively-listed cooperatives into the “Regulations on Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives”, but in practice, the “fixed income + floating bonus” benefit distribution rules commonly adopted by family-shareholding cooperatives were obvious Different from the “Farmer Professional Cooperatives Law”, “the principle of return mainly based on patrons”. This not only brings confusion to the organizational attribute orientation of the stock cooperatives of farmland and the rationality of their incorporation in the adjustment of the Regulations of the Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives, but also causes why the claims based on “fixed income ” can break through the equality of the debts , With the prejudice to the legal effect of ordinary claims. If we take the patronage of the members as the perspective, not only the confusion can be resolved, but also the legal nature of the family contractual ownership, the legal relationship between the property rights of the land cooperatives and the rules of the distribution of benefits, and the promotion of various laws System of the system.