大气中大量温室气体的排放特别是二氧化碳,已被广泛认为是造成全球气候变化的主要原因.研究结果显示,将二氧化碳封存到海洋是可行的,二氧化碳水合物水是需要考虑的重要问题.关于二氧化碳水合物在海水中的生成、扩散、溶解规律,不同的学者提出了不同模型与结论,但仍有很多不确定因素.通过数值模拟分析得出,封存过程中二氧化碳的释放速率、溶解速率和上升速度都是需要考虑的重要参数,液滴半径越小或者注入深度越浅时,其溶解速率将会越快.在同一深度下液滴由大半径溶解成小半径时,在海水中的溶解速率将越来越快.液滴在海水中并非以同一速度往上运动,而是与液滴的大小和位置有关.当注入深度增加时,可允许溶解的液滴半径随之增加,其中当注入深度在1 800m时,可允许最大液滴半径为1.0cm,在1 000m深度下,可允许最大的液滴半径为0.5cm.“,”Enhanced emission of greenhouse gases,particularly CO2 to the atmosphere is widely accepted to affect the global climate system.The results show that carbon dioxide sequestration into the ocean is feasible.Hydrate formation is an important phenomenon to take into account.The formation of hydrates in seawater,diffusion,dissolution law,different scholars have proposed different models and conclusions;but there are still many uncertainties.The results of the numerical simulation show that the amount of released CO2 release rate,dissolution rate and rising velocities of CO2 droplets are all essential components to consider and the shrinkage rate of the CO2 droplet decreases with the increasing injection depth.Droplets by the large radius gradually dissolved into a small radius at the same depth;the dissolution rate of the droplets in seawater will be faster.Droplets in seawater is not the same speed up the movement;it depends on the size and position of the droplet.The maximum allowable injection radius of the CO2 droplet is 1.0 cm at the depth of 1 800 m,and 0.5 cm at the depth of 1 000 m.