1958年7月31日的北京,烈日当空,阳光灼人。南苑机场却显得严肃、冷淡,等候迎接赫鲁晓夫的毛泽东,不像过去喜欢和尤金谈哲学,没有多少话谈,气氛不像过去那么轻松愉快。当赫鲁晓夫从“图104”客机走出时,迎接他的没有红地毯,没有仪仗队,也没有拥抱,毛泽东只是同他握手致意。过去中苏首脑见面时的亲热情景怎么不见了呢? 原来,亲密无间的中苏双方将有一场大争论。两天前,苏联方面曾通过驻华大使尤金请见了毛泽东主席,表达了苏联领导的一个意思:希望在中国
July 31, 1958 in Beijing, the hot sun, the sun burning. Nanyuan Airport was serious, cold, waiting for Khrushchev’s Mao Zedong, unlike the past like Eugene and philosophy, there is not much talk, the atmosphere is not so relaxed and happy. When Khrushchev stepped out from passenger plane “Figure 104”, he was greet him with no red carpet, no guard of honor and no hug. Mao Zedong just shook hands with him. How did the intimacy scene of the past Sino-Soviet leaders meet? There was a major debate between the two countries, an intimate one. Two days ago, on the Soviet side, Eugene, the ambassador to China, met with Chairman Mao Zedong and expressed one meaning of the leadership of the Soviet Union: I hope that in China,