混凝土浮箱桥在国外已得到较多应用 ,但在国内尚属空白。将有限条元法用来分析混凝土浮箱桥 ,推导了弹性介质上有限条元的计算公式 ,并编制了相应的有限条元计算程序。在研究中发现用有限条元计算浮桥最大弯矩与跨矩的比值同弹性地基梁法所得到的比值几乎相等。
Concrete floating box bridge in foreign countries have been more applications, but it is still blank in the country. The finite element method is used to analyze the concrete floating box bridge. The formula of the finite element on the elastic medium is deduced and the corresponding finite element calculation program is compiled. In the study, it was found that the ratio of the maximum bending moment to the span moment of pontoon bridge calculated by finite element is nearly equal to that obtained by the elastic foundation beam method.