
来源 :宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgys200901
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荆益战略是诸葛亮至为重要的军事战略思想。正是在这一战略思想的指导下,尚无立足之地的刘备集团始则进取荆州,窥北控南。继而又占夺西川,卒成帝业。蜀汉基业成在荆州,败也在荆州。在中原逐鹿,三国纷争,蜀汉相对孱弱的历史条件下,尤其是当军情发生重大变化的时候,诸葛亮若能审时度势,事变策异,主动放弃荆州,退守西川,如此,既可与东吴修好,又能确保刘备集团的锐气,进而全力伐曹,克复中原,则汉室可兴,霸业定成。 Jing Yi strategy is Zhuge Liang important military strategy. It is under the guidance of this strategic thinking, there is no place for Liu Bei Group is the first enterprising Jingzhou, peeping north control. Then they took Nishikawa, died as Emperor industry. Shu Han Foundation into Jingzhou, also lost in Jingzhou. Under the historical conditions of the Central Plains defeat, the Three Kingdoms dispute and the relative weakness of Shuhan, especially when the military conditions have undergone major changes, Zhuge Liang, if able to assess the situation and change incidents differently, voluntarily renounced Jingzhou and retreated to Nishikawa. In this way, But also to ensure that the spirit of Liu Bei Group, and then fully cutting Cao, Central Plains recovery, the Han room may Xing, dominance.