
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youxiang123hao
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20世纪中期至今,我国钢琴音乐逐步繁荣,呈现出创作风格的多元化。在这些钢琴音乐创作中,有一部分是由作曲家立足于我国传统器乐乐曲改编而来的。文章通过对这类传统器乐乐曲改编而来的钢琴曲类型以及研究现状两方面的论述,肯定其在我国钢琴音乐中的艺术价值,同时指出我国目前在传统器乐改编钢琴曲研究和方向上的不足。 Since the middle of 20th century, piano music has been gradually prospered in our country, showing a diversified creative style. Some of these piano music compositions are adapted by composers based on the traditional instrumental music of our country. This article affirms its artistic value in the piano music of our country through the discussion of the types and the current situation of the piano music adapted from these traditional instrumental music. At the same time, it points out the shortcomings of our country in the research and direction of the traditional instrumental adaptation of piano music .
正如随州二中校长王桂兰所说:“不怕苦,苦是一阵子的事;怕吃苦,苦是一辈子的事。”对我们来说,正值青春韶华,吃苦才是王道。  吃苦,对我们有幸生活在今天的青年意味着什么?是恶劣的环境、贫乏的物资?不!吃苦,对我们来说,意味着一种精神、一种态度!吃苦,是一块磨刀石,在岁月的洗刷中,将有志者手中的剑磨砺得锋利无比,寒气逼人。  不论是古人的金榜题名,还是我们今天的决战高考,吃苦才是王道!匡衡凿壁借光,孙