我院自1996年9月至1998年11月共收治恙虫病患者238例。现分析报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组男185例,女53例。年龄4岁~70岁。以20岁~49岁者最多。病程5天~30天。发病高峰为10月~11月(223例)。90.15%的患者为农民,均有田间活动史与恙螨幼虫的袭击机会多少有直接关系。1.2 主要临床症状发热(多为弛张热或稽留热),伴寒战、头痛、周身酸痛、乏力、食欲不振,面部、眼结膜及咽部充血。主要体征为胸腹部皮疹(为暗红色斑丘疹,压之退色),表浅
In our hospital from September 1996 to November 1998, a total of 238 cases of tsutsugamushi disease were admitted. The analysis report is as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 185 males and 53 females. Age 4 years old to 70 years old. Mostly 20 to 49 years old. Duration of 5 days to 30 days. The peak incidence was from October to November (223 cases). 90.15% of the patients are peasants and there is a direct correlation between the history of field activities and the chances of attacking chigger mite larvae. 1.2 The main clinical symptoms of fever (mostly remission fever or missed heat), with chills, headache, whole body aches and weakness, loss of appetite, facial, conjunctival and throat congestion. The main signs of chest and abdomen rash (dark red rash, pressure of the fade), superficial