山东省纺织科技工作会议于1995年9月 27至29日在潍坊召开。参加会议的有各地、市纺织工业局(公司)和重点企业负责人,到会代表160多名。 会议表彰奖励了“八五”科技工作先进集体15个、先进个人35人。交流了企业依靠科技促进企业技术进步、发展的经验和我省广大科技工作者为科技勤奋工作、刻苦钻研的敬业精神。张荷弟副厅长就我省纺织工业“八五”科技工作进行了回顾,全省纺织科技工作在纺织工业连续几年低谷运行之中,不畏困难,在各级领导部门支持帮助和广大纺织科技工作者的积极努力下,一年一个新变化,四年跨出四大步,使我省纺织行业技术结构、产品结构发生了较大变化,技术进步取得明显成效。1991——1994年共完成科技攻关、技术开发等计划项目221项,其中达到世界先进水平12项,填补国内空白或达到国内领进水平56项,填补省内空白153项。1990——1994年,山东省纺织工业共获省级以上奖励196项,其中获国家科技进步奖6项,国家发明奖2项,部级科技进步奖27项,省科技进步奖78项,省优秀新产品 71项,省计算机应用优秀成果12项。
The Shandong Textile Technology Working Conference was held in Weifang from September 27 to 29, 1995. The participants in the conference included representatives of local textile and textile industry bureaus (companies) and key enterprises, and more than 160 delegates attended the conference. The conference commended and awarded 15 advanced collectives and 35 advanced individuals in the “85” scientific and technological work. Exchanged experiences of enterprises relying on science and technology to promote technological advancement and development of enterprises, and the dedication of the majority of science and technology workers in our province to work diligently and diligently. Vice Minister Zhang Hedi reviewed the technological work of the province’s textile industry during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”. The province’s textile technology work has been running in the downturn of the textile industry for several consecutive years. Despite the difficulties, it has supported the leaders and the textile technology at all levels. With the active efforts of the workers, a new change has taken place in one year and four major steps have been taken in four years, which has brought about major changes in the technical structure and product structure of the textile industry in our province, and has achieved remarkable results in technological progress. From 1991 to 1994, a total of 221 projects for scientific and technological research and technological development were completed, of which 12 were in the world’s advanced level, filling domestic gaps or reaching 56 domestic levels, filling 153 gaps in the province. From 1990 to 1994, the textile industry of Shandong Province received a total of 196 awards above the provincial level, including 6 national science and technology progress awards, 2 national invention awards, 27 ministerial scientific and technological progress awards, and 78 provincial science and technology progress awards. There are 71 outstanding new products and 12 provincial outstanding computer applications.