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识字教学是小学语文科的一项重要工作。说它重要,有两个原因。第一,识字是阅读的基础。阅读就是凭借书面语言来吸收知识,接受文化。文字是记录语言的工具,不识字就不能理解书面语言,就不能达到吸收知识,接受文化的目的。小学语文科的教学活动,一开头就要解决识字这个任务。识字教学的工作进行得好,儿童识字的程度,就量说,有足够运用的数量,就质说,识字识得相当巩固。那么,阅读教学就能顺利地进行。反之,识字教学进行得不好,儿童识字不多,无论阅读什么,处处都碰见生字这个拦路虎,而且识得不巩固,识过就忘,熟字也变成生字。那么,阅读教学就不能顺利地进行。 Literacy teaching is an important part of primary school language teaching. It is important to say that there are two reasons. First, literacy is the basis of reading. Reading is the use of written language to absorb knowledge and accept culture. Text is a tool for recording the language, can not understand the written language can not understand, can not achieve the purpose of absorbing knowledge and accepting culture. Primary language teaching activities, the beginning must solve the task of literacy. Literacy teaching is well conducted. The extent of children's literacy is measured in terms of quantity. As far as quality is concerned, literacy is quite consolidated. Well, reading teaching can proceed smoothly. On the other hand, literacy teaching is not well conducted. Children do not have enough literacy. Regardless of what they read, they always encounter the stumbling block of a living word, and they do not know how to consolidate. Well, reading teaching can not be carried out smoothly.
浙江省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议决定对《浙江省水路运输管理条例》作如下修改:  一、第三条第二款修改为:“县级以上港航管理机构负责具体实施水路运输业管理工作。”并对条例有关条款规定作相应修改。  二、删去第十八条、第四十四条。  本决定自公布之曰起施行。  《浙江省水路运输管理条例》根据本决定作相应修改,重新公布。