自从被一把推进了市场,药品零售企业已见惯了风高浪急波诡云谲,还没有哪一次像“抗菌药凭处方销售”这样令他们束手无策。来自市场的凶险可以用市场的手段去化解,来自行政、政策的制约实非他们一已之力可以突围。因此对这项利国利民的政令才会在理解的同时,也有抱怨和深思。也因此,“抗菌药凭处方销售”的规定,已经成了社会开始关注用药安全的标志,甚至是那只因为扇动翅膀而引起龙卷风的蝴蝶——由于此后的系列连锁反应而引起药品分类管理和医疗体制改革的实践波澜。 行业环境的变化其实是再平常不过的事,按照SFDA的想法,从现在起到2005年,全部处方药将按种类分步凭处方销售,而眼下的“抗菌药凭处方销售”则是刚刚迈出的实质性一步。在这种波动中,不是企业去适应行业的现状与变化规律,就是行业的变化来改变、淘汰企业。 抗菌药物的滥用已成为全人类必须正视的问题,抗菌药凭处方销售也已是国际惯例。担负着大众健康服务职能的药品经营企业自然责无旁贷。但是因为大环境的不成熟、相关配套措施的不健全,企业执行起来确实面临着许多实际的困难。据相关人士透露,“抗菌药凭处方销售”到目前还仍然只是暂行规定,并未上升到法规的高度。而一些相应的细节,如“处方概念限定”及“违规后的处罚措施”也并未
Since being marketed by a handful of drug retailers, the drug retailers have been accustomed to the hassles of the storm, and none of them have doneled out like “antibacterial drugs on prescription.” Dangers from the market can be used to resolve the market means, from the administrative, policy constraints that they can not force one can break through. Therefore, this policy of helping the country and the people will be accompanied by comprehension and grudges. As a result, “antibacterial drugs sold by prescription” has become a symbol of society’s concern for drug safety, and even the butterfly that caused tornadoes only because of their wings - caused by the subsequent series of chain reactions that led to the management of drug categories and The tide of practice in medical system reform. Changes in the industrial environment is nothing unusual, according to SFDA’s idea, from now until 2005, all prescription drugs will be based on the type of step by step prescription sales, and now the “antibacterial drugs with prescription sales” is just taking A substantial step. In this kind of fluctuation, it is not the enterprises to adapt to the status quo and the changing law of the industry, that is, changes in the industry to change and eliminate the business. Abuse of antimicrobial drugs has become a problem that must be faced by all mankind. It is also an international practice that antibacterial drugs are sold by prescription. Naturally, it is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies that are responsible for the functions of public health services. However, because of the immaturity of the macroeconomic environment and the imperfect supporting measures, enterprises actually face many practical difficulties in their implementation. According to the relevant sources, “antibacterial drugs by prescription sales” is still only an interim provision, has not risen to the height of laws and regulations. And some corresponding details, such as the “prescription concept” and “non-compliance penalties” did not