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刘锜(1098—1162)是南宋抗金名将,与岳飞、韩世忠等齐名。绍兴十年(1140)顺昌之战,刘锜曾以一万八千人击败金兵十余万众,创造了古代战争史上的一个奇迹。然近现代由于对刘锜研究甚少,使一代名将鲜为人知,至于其家族世系,人们就更加陌生了。 Liu Xun (1098-1162) was a famous defender of the Southern Song Dynasty and qualified as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. In the battle of Shunchang in Shaoxing ten years (1140), Liu Yong once defeated more than ten people in Jinbing with 18,000 people and created a miracle in the history of ancient war. In the modern era, however, little research has been done on Liu Xie, so little is known about one generation of famous people. As for his family lineages, people are even more strange.