海洋渔业生产是一种带有很大冒险性的经营体系。目前捕捞生产主要是个体和联户经营。生产时.投资较大,见效较快。今年亏损.明年就可能盈利;一个航次干好了.就可能把一年的欠款补上:这个地方今年很穷,那个地方可能很富,所有这些造成了渔船市场的异常活跃;船只过户频繁。在这频繁的买卖渔船过程中.存在着诸多的不安全因素。这些不安全因素构成了渔船海损事故的潜在危险.主要表现在: 1、卖主卖船时尽量美化自己的船只,而隐瞒了不少船只的毛病,预伏下日后使用的
Marine fishery production is a very risky operating system. At present, fishing production is mainly individual and joint-stock operators. When the investment. Large investment, quick results. Making a profit this year, and having a good trip, it is possible to make up for a year’s arrears: this is a poor year and that place may be very rich, all of which contribute to unusually active fishing boat markets; frequent vessel transfers . There are many unsafe factors in this frequent sale of fishing vessels. These insecure factors constitute the potential danger of an accident at a fishing vessel, mainly as follows: 1. The seller tries to beautify his vessel while selling the vessel, hiding the faults of many vessels and using it in the future