第Ⅰ卷第1题下列词语中加点的字,字形、字音全都正确的一组是(2分)A.哺(bǔ)育拓(tuò)片嗔(chēn)怪伺(cì)候B.气馁(něi) 禅(shàn)让重迭(dié) 轮廓(kuò)C.殷(yān)红狙(jū)击皈(guī)依屏(bīng)除D.畸(qí)形歼(jiān)灭抨(pēng)击对峙(zhì)本题考查常见汉字的字形、字音的识记。正确项:C。此题难度大,误选 B、A 的较多,误选 B 的超过了选 C 的人数。选 B:对简化字总表中1986年10月10日的调整,教、学、使用中未能注意(注:调整的有迭、叠、象、像、复、覆、罗、啰,了、瞭及余、馀等),故认
The first question in the first paragraph of the first volume of the first word is a group of words, characters, and sounds that are all correct (2 points). A. Feed (bǔ) Yutuo (tuò) Tablets (chēn) Weishu (cì) Waiting B.气馁 (něi) Zen (shàn) Let overlap (dié) Outline (kuò) C. Yin (yān) 红狙 (jū) Hit 皈 (guī) By screen (bīng) Except D. Abnormal (qí) 形ā (jiān ) Kill 抨 抨 (pēng) 峙 峙 峙 峙 (zhì) This question examines the glyphs and character sounds of common Chinese characters. Correct entry: C. This is a difficult problem. You misplaced B and A. You mistakenly chose B for more than C. Option B: The adjustments to the October 10, 1986 amendments to the simplified Chinese character table were not noted in teaching, learning, and use (Note: There are overlaps, overlaps, images, images, complexes, overwrites, Luos, and errors in adjustments. , and I, Yu, etc.)