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2005-2006年玉米风险互助试点工作参试面积2471.10hm2,受灾面积653.30hm2,受灾率26.40%,平均赔付率233.70%。受灾面积每667m2平均得到补助61.81元,参试面积每667m2平均得到补助16.33元。总体评估,玉米自然灾害较重,风灾和暴雨造成的玉米倒折、倒伏危害最重,赔付率较高,不同类型玉米之间受灾率和受灾程度差异明显,财政资金支持下的玉米风险互助工作意义重大。 2005-2006 corn risk mutual aid pilot work area 2471.10hm2, affected area 653.30hm2, the disaster rate of 26.40%, the average loss rate of 233.70%. The affected area received an average subsidy of 61.81 yuan per 667m2, and the average subsidy per 667m2 of the pilot area was 16.33 yuan. Overall assessment of maize natural disasters heavier, winds and torrential maize caused by the reverse, the lodging the most harmful, higher payout rates, different types of maize affected by the disaster rate and degree of significant difference between the financial support of the risk of mutual aid work of corn Significant.