都匀茶场于1996年在双行密植幼龄茶园(150×30×30cm)中开始间作烤烟。通过三年来的观察,间作烤烟对幼龄茶树的生长有着明显的影响,现把此研究结果作一总结,供参考。1 茶烟间作构成的植物群落具有特殊小气候
Duyun tea plantation in 1996 in two rows of close-packed young tea plantation (150 × 30 × 30cm) began intercropping flue-cured tobacco. Through three years of observation, the intercropping of flue-cured tobacco has a significant impact on the growth of young tea trees, the results of this study is summarized as a reference. A tea plant between the composition of the community has a special microclimate