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(2015年10月1日)尊敬的×××主席,中央代表团各位首长,尊敬的×××书记、各位领导,同志们、朋友们:在举国上下欢庆新中国66华诞的喜庆日子里,我们以满怀喜悦的心情迎来了新疆维吾尔自治区成立60周年。在此,我代表驻疆部队和武警官兵,向专程前来参加庆祝活动的×××主席和中央代表团各位首长、各位嘉宾,致以崇高的敬意!向一直以来关心支持驻疆部队建设的自治区党委、政府和各族干部群 (October 1, 2015) Dear President XXXX, Deputies of the Central Delegation, Dear XXX Presidents, Dear Leaders, Comrades and Friends, While celebrating the 66th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China in the festive season , We welcomed the 60th anniversary of the founding of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region with full of joy. On this occasion, on behalf of the officers and soldiers of the armed forces stationed in Xinjiang and the armed police, I extend my highest respect to all the distinguished leaders and distinguished guests attending the celebrations and to all those who have always been concerned about supporting the construction of the armed forces there. Autonomous regional party committees, governments and ethnic groups
【内容摘要】中国教育电视台一频道前不久被评为“2016年度国产优秀纪录片及创作人才扶持项目”优秀播出机构,《博物馆之夜》栏目荣获优秀栏目奖。优秀纪录片对青少年教育具有重要意义,中国教育电视台以主流媒体的责任和担当,制作并播出优秀纪录片,将纪录片与教育相结合,使之成为见证国家变革、社会变迁和自然发展的“活文献”。  【关键词】纪录片;教育;传承  2016年,国产纪录片涌现出一批思想性、艺术性、观赏