鉴于以往十二指肠溃疡(DU)病人标准饮食无法证实和以传统经验为基础,其效果可疑;特别茶叶对胃酸分泌作用的研究结果迥异,作者用胃内滴定法测定了茶叶对胃酸分泌中的刺激作用。材料和方法:对照组53例,病种为已知对胃分泌无影响的腹股沟疝、胆石、非胃肠道淋巴瘤和血栓闭塞性脉管炎;观察组为36例经钡餐和内窥镜检查证实为 DU者。全部病例(89例)用胃内滴定法测定了200ml 茶叶的胃酸反应。两组的泌酸量
In view of the past duodenal ulcer (DU) patients can not be confirmed by the standard diet and based on traditional experience, the effect of suspicious; special tea on gastric acid secretion research results vary, the authors determined by the stomach titration of gastric acid secretion The stimulating effect. Materials and Methods: The control group of 53 cases, the disease is known to have no effect on gastric secretion of inguinal hernia, gallstones, non-gastrointestinal lymphoma and thromboangiitis obliterans; the observation group was 36 cases of barium meal and endoscopy Check confirmed DU. All cases (89 cases) were measured by intragastric titration of 200ml tea acid reaction. Two groups of acid secretion