恙虫病是由恙虫病立克次体以恙虫的幼虫恙螨为传播媒介所致的自然疫源性传染病,是我省沿海地区的一种常见病,近年来发病率有所升高。我院自1995~1999年共收治136例恙虫病,现分析报告如下。1 一般资料本组136例中,男性84例,女性52例;发病年龄4~72岁,其中14~50岁83例,占62%。
Tsutsugamushi disease is a natural foci of infectious disease caused by the tsutsugamushi rickettsia tsutsugamushi larvae chigger mites for the transmission media, is a common disease in the coastal areas of our province, the incidence has risen in recent years. A total of 136 cases of tsutsugamushi disease were treated in our hospital from 1995 to 1999. The analysis report is as follows. 1 General information The group of 136 cases, 84 males and 52 females; age of onset of 4 to 72 years, of which 83 cases of 14 to 50 years old, accounting for 62%.