今年,是我院建院三十周年。 首先让我们为关心或促进我院科学技术事业的发展曾经出了力,做出了贡献的全院职工及有关领导和兄弟单位的同志们表示衷心的谢意和问候。 三十年前,即一九五五年四月,我院的前身—重工业部地质局矿物检验所正式在北京创建。此后,世事沧桑,我院几经搬迁,数度易名,我们在曲折的道路上前进。其间还遭受了十年“文革”的浩劫。但是,经过艰辛的考验和磨炼,使我院变得更成熟了! 我院建院初期,只有数十名科技人员,主要从事岩矿检验分析的任务,而现在全院已经发展为634人的队伍,科技人员431人,其中,中、高级科技人员达到200人,设置了矿床,岩矿、实验地质、同位素地质、地球物理、地球化学、勘探技术、电算技术、分析化验和情报
This year is the thirtieth anniversary of our hospital. First of all, let us express our heartfelt thanks and greetings to all the staff and workers who have contributed and contributed to the development of science and technology in our hospital and the comrades of relevant leaders and fraternal units. Thirty years ago, in April 1955, the predecessor of the institute, the Mineral Inspection Office of the Bureau of Geology, Ministry of Heavy Industry, was formally established in Beijing. Since then, the vicissitudes of life, our hospital after several relocations, renamed several times, we are on the road to twists and turns. During this period also suffered a decade of “Cultural Revolution” catastrophe. However, after arduous tests and exercises, our hospital has become more mature! In the early days of our hospital, there were only dozens of scientific and technical personnel who were mainly engaged in the task of rock and mineral inspection and analysis. Now that the whole hospital has grown to 634 There are 431 scientific research personnel and technicians. Thereinto, there are 200 middle and high-level scientists and technicians. The institute has set up the deposit, rock and mine, experimental geology, isotope geology, geophysics, geochemistry, exploration technology, computing technology, analytical laboratory and intelligence