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年初以来,我省国民经济开局良好。一季度,全省GDP增长率达11.3%,创1995年以来国民经济发展新高。四月份,非典疫情对我省经济和社会的影响开始显现,尤其是第三产业中的旅游、交通运输、餐饮、住宿、文化娱乐等行业受到严重冲击。在这种严峻的形势面前,省委、省政府审时度势,带领全省人民一手抓抗击非典,一手抓经济发展。尽管二季度一些主要经济指标比一季度有所回落,但上半年仍保持了一季度高开、快速增长的良好态势。一、上半年国民经济运行的基本特征据初步测算,上半年,全省完成国内生产总值32552亿元,按可比价格计算比去年同期增长10.2%,增速虽较一季度放慢了1.1个百分点,但仍在快速增长的平 Since the beginning of this year, our province’s national economy has started well. In the first quarter, the province’s GDP growth rate reached 11.3%, setting a new high in the national economy since 1995. In April, the SARS epidemic had an impact on the economy and society of our province. In particular, the tourism, transportation, catering, accommodation, culture and entertainment industries in the tertiary industry were severely hit. In the face of such a grim situation, the provincial party committee and government examined the situation and led the people of the province in grasping the fight against SARS with one hand and focusing on economic development. Although some of the key economic indicators in the second quarter dropped from the first quarter, the first half of the year maintained a good momentum of opening up and rapid growth in the first quarter. First, the basic characteristics of the operation of the national economy in the first half According to preliminary estimates, in the first half, the province completed 3255.2 billion yuan of gross domestic product, according to comparable prices increased 10.2% over the same period last year, although the growth rate slowed 1.1 times in the first quarter Percentage, but still growing rapidly
IT is only in the past few decades that the stereotype image of pigtailed Chinese men and women with bound feet, forged by 19th-century Western missionaries, h
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常听人说,足坛是没有硝烟的战场。既然是战场,就得有兵将。俗话说,打仗亲兄弟,上阵父子兵。仔细一数,这足坛里合心断金的兄弟还真不少…… Often hear people say that foot