由中国冶金建筑集团公司承建的缅甸塔榜纸浆厂日前在缅甸伊洛瓦底省塔榜镇区破土动工。该厂占地448hm2,将耗资900万美元,建厂资金由中国提供的卖方信贷支付。全部工程将于2004年竣工。该纸浆厂以竹子为原料,投产后每天能生产未经漂白过的纸浆200t。 中国冶金建筑集团公司和缅甸第一工业部下属的缅甸纸张与化学工业公司于2000年8月11日在这里签署了建造该厂的合同,根据合同,中方负责厂房设计、设备供货及
The Burj Khalifa Pulp Mill, which was built by China Metallurgical Construction Group Corporation, broke ground in Tatabong town, Ayeyarwady Province, Myanmar. The plant covers an area of 448hm2 and will cost US$9 million. The construction fund will be paid by the seller’s credit provided by China. All projects will be completed in 2004. The pulp mill uses bamboo as a raw material and can produce 200 tons of unbleached pulp each day after being put into production. China Metallurgical Construction Group Corporation and the Burmese Paper and Chemical Industry Company under the Myanmar Ministry of Industry signed the contract for the construction of this plant on August 11, 2000. According to the contract, the Chinese party is responsible for plant design, equipment supply and