湖南省宜章县莽山瑶族乡黄家畔 村谭四洪老俩口有一桩两头冒尖事: 一头是老俩口接连把三个儿子送到部队,成为全县远近闻名的“军属大户”,另一头则是老俩口60多岁了在乡政府的帮助下还走上了致富之路,过上了好日子。提起前者,老俩口说:“应该!应该!”;提起后者,老俩口又连声说:“全靠党和政府的关心和厚爱”。 1994年12月,谭四洪老俩口不顾亲朋好友的劝阻,执意要
There are two incidents at both sides of the mouth of Tan Sihong, a village in Yao village, Mangshan Yao town, Yizhang County, Hunan Province. One is that the old couple sent their three sons to the army one after another and became the “big army” of the entire county, It is the older couple more than 60 years old with the help of the township government embarked on the road to get rich, had a good life. Mention the former, the old couple said: “It should! Should!”; Mention the latter, the old couple again and again said: “Thanks to the party and the government’s concern and love.” In December 1994, Tan Si-hong and Lao Li both persisted in their disregard of friends and family and friends