抗虫棉因为省工、省药等优点广为种植, 2000年已占临清市总植棉面积的 90%以上。但是,前几年基本不需防治的二代棉铃虫在部分抗虫棉田为害严重,必须喷药防治才能控制为害。抗虫棉抗性衰退如此之快吗 ?笔者就其发生为害特点及防治策略进行了一些分析。 1二代棉铃虫发生特点
Insect-resistant cotton because of labor-saving, medicine and other advantages of widely planted in 2000 accounted for more than 90% of total cotton area in Linqing City. However, the second generation cotton bollworm, which basically did not need prevention and control a few years ago, was seriously damaged in some insect-resistant cotton fields and must be spray-controlled before it can be controlled. Bt cotton resistance so declining so fast? I author on its pest characteristics and prevention and treatment strategies were analyzed. 1 second generation cotton bollworm occurrence characteristics