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现代科学技术迅猛发展,人们称之为“知识爆炸”。新知识的巨流排山倒海般地涌来,使大脑无法储存如此巨量的知识。苏联出版的《知识就是力量》(第五期)做了个统计:全世界出版的化学专业杂志一万多种。即使懂三十四种语言一天可以看二十四小时书的化学家,一年中也只能看完出版的所有化学刊物的二十分之一。这么多知识一个学生从小学读到大学怎么也学不完记不住。所以现代教育学家都一再强调:必须在传授知识的同时,着重培养学生的智能,也就是培养学生自学能力、思维能力、表达能力等等。在教学过程中发展学生的智能,很重要的一点是进行启发式教学。 The rapid development of modern science and technology, people call it “knowledge explosion.” The huge flow of new knowledge came in like a sea, so that the brain could not store such a huge amount of knowledge. The Soviet Union published “Knowledge Is Power” (fifth period) made a statistic: There are more than 10,000 kinds of chemical professional magazines published worldwide. Even a chemist who can read thirty-four languages ​​a day and read a twenty-four-hour book can only read one-twentieth of all chemical publications published in one year. There is so much knowledge that a student can’t remember from studying in elementary school to university. Therefore, modern educationists have repeatedly emphasized that while imparting knowledge, they must focus on cultivating students’ intelligence, that is, developing students’ self-learning ability, thinking ability, and expression ability. In developing the intelligence of students in the teaching process, it is very important to conduct heuristic teaching.