Research on Satellite Fault Diagnostics Technology Based on Combination of Several Methods

来源 :Aerospace China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l87521
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According to the different types and characteristics of satellite fault,a kind of fault diagnosis method is proposed,which integrates multivariate threshold,model-based and fault tree-based method.In order to optimize the fault diagnosis method,it takes the advantages and remedy of a defect with other methods.This can diagnose many kinds of satellite fault occurring in the on-orbit phase rapidly and accurately.Besides,it can analyze the damage degree of the failure and establish the measures to eliminate the failure. According to the different types and characteristics of satellite fault, a kind of fault diagnosis method is proposed, which integrates multivariate threshold, model-based and fault tree-based method. In order to optimize the fault diagnosis method, it takes the advantages and remedy of a defect with other methods. this can diagnose many kinds of satellite fault occurring in the on-orbit phase rapidly and accurately.Besides, it can analyze the damage degree of the failure and establish the measures to eliminate the failure.
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