个人档案 刘纪鹏 1956年4月生于北京。1974年高中毕业后参军,在中国人民解放军52914部队任蓝球队、手球队队长兼教练。1979年考入北京经济学院(现首都经济贸易大学),1983年获经济学学士学住。同年考入中国社会科学院研究生院,1986年获经济学硕士学位。毕业后留在中国社会科学院工业经济研究所从事企业产权理论、组织制度、法人理论、大公司管理与产业组织的研究与实践工和。1989年调入中国国际信托投资公司中信国际研究所从事大公司、企业集团与跨国公司方面的研究。1993年起筹组成立北京标准股份制咨询公司并出任总经理。
Liu Ji-peng was born in Beijing in April 1956. After graduating from high school in 1974 joined the army, in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 52914 force as the basketball team, handball team captain and coach. He was admitted to Beijing Institute of Economics (now Capital University of Economics and Business) in 1979 and a bachelor of economics in 1983. In the same year admitted to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences graduate school, in 1986 by a master’s degree in economics. After graduation, he stayed in the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences engaged in the research and practice of enterprise property rights theory, organizational system, corporate theory, corporate governance and industrial organization. In 1989 transferred to China International Trust and Investment Corporation CITIC International Institute engaged in large companies, conglomerates and multinational corporations. Since 1993, he has set up a Beijing-based joint-stock consulting company and a general manager.