拓宽审计领域 服务于水利改革

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把现有各种水利工程办成经济实体,实现水利经济的良性循环,为国民经济和社会发展服务,这是水管单位面临的迫切任务。本文就内部审计如何与之相适应略述浅见。水管单位审计监督的地位和作用水管单位内部审计机构,于1988年开始组建,并逐步开展审计。通过审查会计帐表、实行财务收支审计,对单位经济活动进行内部审计监督,初步取得了成效,得到了有关方面的承认和支持,在治理整顿及经济改革中发挥了一定的作用。水管单位内部审计的建立,扩大了审计复盖面,通过审计成果及信息交流,有利于上级部门 The existing water conservancy projects into economic entities, to achieve a virtuous circle of water conservancy economy, national economy and social development services, which is an urgent task for water management units. This article on the internal audit how to adapt to a brief description. The status and role of audit and supervision of water pipe unit The internal audit agency of water pipe unit started to be established in 1988 and the audit was gradually carried out. Through the review of the accounting statements, the implementation of the financial revenue and expenditure audit, the unit’s economic activities conducted by the internal audit and supervision, preliminary results achieved, has been recognized and supported by the parties concerned, in the rectification and economic reform has played a certain role. The establishment of the internal audit of the water pipe unit has expanded the coverage of the audit and passed the audit results and information exchange, which is in favor of the higher authorities
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