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本文通过对《亡辽录》与《辽史·地理志》节镇(度)州不同记载的比较研究,指出造成记载差异的原因有二:一是两书史源不同;二是两书记录的是辽代不同时期节镇(度)州的设置状况。《亡辽录》由原辽朝进士史愿所作,反映了乾统中至天庆五年(1115)前节镇州的设置状况。《辽史·地理志》源于耶律俨《实录》和陈大任《辽史》,前者著录的是重熙中的节镇州,后者记载的是清宁七年(1061)以后的节镇州。 This paper points out that there are two reasons for the differences in the records of “Liao Lu Lu” and “History of Liaoning and Geography” (degree) states: First, the two sources have different origins; second, the records of the two books The Liao dynasties in different periods of town (degrees) state of the setting. “Dead Liao recorded” by the former Jinshi Liao history is willing to make, reflects the dry Tongzhi Zhongtian Qing five years (1115) before the establishment of Zhenzhou. “History of Liaoning and Geography” originated from Yeluoyan “Record” and Chen Daren “History of Liao”, the former is recorded in the Mid-Autumn Festival Zhenzhou, the latter record is Qingnian seven years (1061) after the festival town State.
唐太宗罢黜权万纪  贞观十年,治书侍御史权万纪上书说:“宣州、饶州的大山里埋藏有银矿,如果把它们开采出来,可获得极大的收益,每年可向朝廷上缴钱数百万贯。”唐太宗说:“我贵为天子,这样的事知道得很多,现在,我需要的只是对老百姓有益的忠言,推行善事。国家增加数百万的收益,又有什么用呢?你不推举贤能,表彰善事,也不揭发奸邪之人,肃清豪强,只知道上奏银矿这些有关实利的事情。过去,尧舜把美玉扔进山林,把宝珠