Purification and Characterization of an Antibacterial Protein from the Cultured Mycelia of Cordyceps

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youwdw
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An antibacterial protein was isolated from the cultured mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis, and was designated as Cordyceps sinensis Antibacterial Protein (CSAP). CSAP was single-chained, with an apparent molecular mass of 35×10~3 revealed by SDS-PAGE and a novel hydrophobic N-terminal sequence N-ALATQHGAP. The antimicrobial assays showed CSAP could inhibit the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but no significant inhibition against fungi or yeasts. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of CSAP was not bactericidal but bacteriostatic. It was the first time that an antibacterial protein was described in the Cordyceps species, which might involve in the chemical defense mechanism of the hosts. An antibacterial protein was isolated from the cultured mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis, and was designated as Cordyceps sinensis Antibacterial Protein (CSAP). CSAP was single-chained with an apparent molecular mass of 35 × 10-3 revealed by SDS-PAGE and a novel The N-terminal sequence N-ALATQHGAP. The antimicrobial assays showed CSAP could inhibit the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but no significant inhibition against fungi or yeasts. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of CSAP was not bactericidal but bacteriostatic. It was the first time that an antibacterial protein was described in the Cordyceps species, which might involve in the chemical defense mechanism of the hosts.
将分子理论中的对称坐标方法推广至有限晶格动力学. 提出自对称和反自对称坐标的概念和处理方法; 使自由边界下的晶格振动理论, 可以由单原子晶体发展应用于多原子晶体 The sym
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