序言 中国是个多民族的国家,五十六个民族由 于环境、区域、风俗的不同,各自形成了独特 的舞蹈。这些具有地域特色的舞蹈,伴随着民 族的历史、渊源流传至今,它凝聚着每个民族 深厚而沉重的民族文化,是民族精神的体现。 曾经,专业人员学习民间舞是重返生活跟随民 间老艺人学习,但也是极不规范的;现如今, 随着专业舞蹈院校的成立,为了使民间舞的训 练更系统化和规范化,专业教师把从老艺人那 里学来的民间舞,经过整理、提炼、加工,成 为课堂的民间舞组合。这类组合是专门用来培 养专业的舞蹈演员,使舞蹈演员在课堂上,就 可以掌握不同民族民间的舞蹈风格特色,也为 专业舞蹈演员的舞蹈基础和综合素质的培养, 打下更坚实的基础。
Preamble China is a multi-ethnic country. Fifty-six ethnic groups each formed a unique dance due to their different environments, regions and customs. These local characteristics of the dance, accompanied by the history of the nation, originated from the present, it embodies the deep and heavy national culture of each nation, is a manifestation of national spirit. Once, professional dance folk dance is to return to life to follow the folk artists to learn, but also very non-standard; Now, with the establishment of professional dance colleges, in order to make folk dance more systematic and standardized training, professional teachers Folk dance learned from the old artists, after finishing, refining, processing, become the class of folk dance. This kind of combination is specially designed to cultivate professional dancers so that dancers can master the dance styles of different nationalities in the classroom and lay a more solid foundation for the training of professional dancers’ dance foundation and comprehensive qualities .