台湾现代派小说在文学创作观念上强调文学要表现人的非理性心理,强调文 学独有的形式特征及其非功利性和反传统性,这明显地受到了西方现代派文学理论与实践的 影响?在内容上,台湾现代派文学注重展示人的内心世界,注重描写性爱,注重揭示人的生存 困境,这明显地受到了弗洛伊德的精神分析学?存在主义?超现实主义及其它西方现代主义思 潮的影响;在形式上,这一流派的文学作品注重运用多种多样的手法来刻划人物的心理,在意 识流手法的运用?叙述视角的选择?“复调”结构的使用及小说语言的新奇怪异等方面,都承接 了西方现代派小说的基本取向?
In the concept of literary creation, Taiwanese modernist novels emphasize that literature should manifest the irrational psychology of human beings, emphasize the unique formal features of literature and its non-utilitarian and anti-traditional features, which have obviously been influenced by the theories and practices of Western modernist literature In terms of content, the modernist literature in Taiwan focuses on displaying the inner world of human beings, emphasizing the description of sex and focusing on revealing the predicament of human existence, which is obviously influenced by Freud’s psychoanalysis, existentialism, surrealism and other Western In the form, the literary works of this genre pay attention to using a variety of techniques to characterize the psychology of the characters, using the method of stream of consciousness, the choice of narrative perspective, the structure of “polyphony” Use and the novel weird novel language, etc., have taken the basic orientation of Western modernist novels?