【摘 要】
The emergence of a new era reaching beyond current state-of-the-art ultrashort and ultraintense laser technology has been enabled by the approval of around € 850 million worth of structural funds in 2011–2012 by the European Commission for the installatio
【机 构】
【出 处】
The emergence of a new era reaching beyond current state-of-the-art ultrashort and ultraintense laser technology has been enabled by the approval of around € 850 million worth of structural funds in 2011–2012 by the European Commission for the installation of Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI). The ELI project consists of three pillars being built in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania. This challenging proposal is based on recent technical progress allowing ultraintense laser fields in which intensities will soon be reaching as high as I0 ~ 1023 W cm?2. This tremendous technological advance has been brought about by the invention of chirped pulse amplification by Mourou and Strickland. Romania is hosting the ELI for Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) pillar in M?gurele near Bucharest. The new facility, currently under construction, is intended to serve the broad national, European, and international scientific community. Its mission covers scientific research at the frontier of knowledge involving two domains. The first is laser-driven experiments related to NP, strong-field quantum electrodynamics, and associated vacuum effects. The second research domain is based on the establishment of a Compton-backscattering-based, high-brilliance, and intense γ beam with Eγ ? 19.5 MeV, which represents a merger between laser and accelerator technology. This system will allow the investigation of the nuclear structure of selected isotopes and nuclear reactions of relevance, for example, to astrophysics with hitherto unprecedented resolution and accuracy. In addition to fundamental themes, a large number of applications with significant societal impact will be developed. The implementation of the project started in January 2013 and is spearheaded by the ELI-NP/Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH). Experiments will begin in early 2020.
A 125 MHz fiber-based frequency comb source in the mid-infrared wavelength region is presented. The source is based on difference frequency generation from a polarization-maintaining Er-doped fiber pump laser and covers a spectrum between 2900 cm-1
基于离焦光栅的波前传感器具有全光学测量、光路简单、使用方便和受机械振动影响小等优点, 在波前传感领域有着巨大的应用潜力。然而传统基于离焦光栅的波前复原算法仅适用于点目标的场合, 对扩展目标的波前无能为力。为了扩展该技术的应用领域, 提出一种基于离焦光栅的最小二乘波前复原算法, 该算法不仅适用于点目标的波前复原, 而且适用于扩展目标的波前复原与目标像的重建。给出了波前复原过程的数值仿真, 在理想情况下, 复原结果的均方根误差为0.18%。另外分析了影响复原精度的主要因素, 并与传统算法进行对比分析。结果表明
We simulate the integrated effects of atmospheric aberration, atmospheric turbulence, thermal blooming, random jitter of laser's intensity and phase, speed of wind, direction of wind, absorption of air, kinetic cooling of CO2 and N2, speed of target, out
Silicon photonics is coming of age; however, it is still lacking a monolithic platform for optical sources and nonlinear functionalities prompting heterogeneous integration of different materials tailored to different applications. Here we demonstrate tel
受激布里渊散射(SBS)是一种三阶非线性光学效应,SBS 相位共轭镜(PCM)是基于SBS 的自抽运PCM,能实时补偿放大器和放大光路中的波前畸变,改善激光器的输出光束质量,其应用越来越广泛。简要介绍了SBS-PCM 激光系统的基本原理和典型装置,并概述了国内外液体和固体SBS 相位共轭技术在高重复频率高功率激光系统中的研究进展,提出带SBS-PCM 的高重复频率高功率激光系统有待解决的问题。
Diamonds are wide-gap semiconductors possessing excellent physical and chemical properties; thus, they are regarded as very appropriate materials for optoelectronic devices. Based on the Kerr effect, we introduce a simple and feasible method for measuring