Model of leaf energy distribution and its experimental validation of Populus tomentosa Carr

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szjisu
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Leaf temperature of a plant is the result of heat transfer between the plant and its environment. There are many factors that can affect leaf temperature, such as the solar radiation energy, environmental temperature, wind velocity, evaporation on the leaf surface, photosynthesis, respiration and so on, which have different effects on the temperature of leaves. In first instance, we ana-lyzed the heat transfer on leaves of Populus tomentosa Carr. theoretically and constructed a model of energy distribution. We then validated the model by analyzing seven different kinds of one-year-old P. tomentosa leaves experimentally. The result shows that solar radiation is the main energy input and the dominant ways of thermal diffusion are heat transfer between the upper and lower leaf surfaces and evaporation from the leaf surface. Leaf temperature of a plant is the result of heat transfer between the plant and its environment. There are many factors that can affect leaf temperature, such as the solar radiation energy, environmental temperature, wind velocity, evaporation on the leaf surface, photosynthesis, respiration and so on, which have different effects on the temperature of leaves. In first instance, we ana-lyzed the heat transfer on leaves of Populus tomentosa Carr. theoretically and constructed a model of energy distribution. We then validated the model by analyzing seven different kinds of one-year-old P. tomentosa leaves experimentally. The result shows that solar radiation is the main energy input and the dominant ways of thermal diffusion are heat transfer between the upper and lower leaf surfaces and evaporation from the leaf surface.
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