通过工业番茄膜下滴灌试验,研究不同水分处理下工业番茄的需水规律、产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:工业番茄苗期需水量相对较少,进入果实期后需水量增大,进入成熟期后因生长缓慢,需水量减小;滴灌工业番茄作物系数值在结果盛期为1.1,结果后期为0.9,苗期最小为0.5,表现为:结果盛期>结果后期>苗期;本试验推荐焉耆盆地膜下滴灌工业番茄最优的灌溉制度为:全生育期灌水14次,灌溉定额为3 900m3/hm2。
The effects of water requirement, yield and water use efficiency of industrial tomato under different water treatments were studied by drip irrigation under industrial tomato. The results showed that: the water requirement of industrial tomato seedlings was relatively less, the water requirement increased after entering the fruit period, the growth was slow and the water requirement decreased after the mature period. The value of crop coefficient of industrial tomato in drip irrigation was 1.1 at the peak, Was 0.9, and the minimum seedling stage was 0.5. The results showed that: the results of the peak period> the late results> seedling stage. The optimal irrigation schedule for industrial tomato in Yanqi basin was as follows: irrigation 14 times during the whole growth period and irrigation quota 3 900m3 / hm2.