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面对备课,有人觉得很烦,烦的是检查起来“山雨欲来风满楼”;有人觉得很累,累的是“就这样重复昨天的故事”;有人觉得很怨,怨的是“我的心思谁能懂,想改变你真的好难”……面对备课:我们如何选择? 一、要制造,还是要创造? 谈到制造,很自然就会想到工厂里的工人,日复一日,年复一年,为了生产出统一规格的产品而辛勤工作着。而咱们有些教师就是在于着这样的活。把教参当作了模具,一字不漏地生产着备课。不过这样的备课倒是栏目填写齐全,内容详尽,如果字迹再写得漂亮些,说不定还会得到领导的表扬。这种备课就如同干体力活,无需动脑,与工人不同的只是将手的“器械”换了“笔头”而已。难怪乎有些教师把备课本 In the face of lesson preparation, some people find it annoying and troublesome to check it up. Some people feel tired and tired of repeating the story of yesterday. Some people feel very blameless and blame is “ Who can understand my mind, want to change you really hard ”... Facing lesson preparation: How do we choose? First, to create, or to create? Speaking of manufacturing, it is natural to think of the factory workers, daily Day after day, year after year, working hard to produce a unified product. And some of our teachers are living like this. The teaching and learning as a mold, word by word to produce lesson preparation. However, this course is prepared to fill the column Daquan complete, detailed, if the writing is more beautiful, maybe you will get the praise of the leadership. This kind of lesson preparation is just like doing physical work without the brains, and workers are different from the “instruments” of the hands in exchange for “written” only. No wonder some teachers have prepared textbooks
一 结缘地化,来之安之rn陈雪纯(以下简称陈):李院士,我们在研究近几十年来中国科研环境的变迁,想请您从自身经历出发谈谈相关情况.就从您当年为什么选择报考科大,又为什么选
对于大惯性负载液压伺服控制系统,解决其运动速度提高时的稳定性是一个难题。本文介绍使用软件动压反馈的方法来解决其稳定性,并给出有关实际运行结果。 For large inertia lo