Classification, M inerogenic Models and Prospecting of Realgar/Orpiment Deposits in China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:petitlxr
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China’s realgar/orpiment deposits may be classified into three types, the stratabound, hot-water sedimentary and hydrothermal, according to their mineralizing processes, geological occurrences, tectonic and geochemi-cal features. The three types may be further distinguished into seven subtypes, namely, the Xiaguan, Shuiluo, Jiepaiyu, Songpan, Shixia, Wangzhuang and Ninghshan ones. On this basis three minerogenic models are established, and based on studies of their geochemistry and minerogenic mechanisms the prerequisites for prospecting for these types of deposits are given in the paper. China’s realgar / orpiment deposits may be classified into three types, the stratabound, hot-water sedimentary and hydrothermal, according to their mineralizing processes, geological occurrences, tectonic and geochemi-cal features. The three types may be further directions into seven subtypes, ie tectonic and geochemi-cal features. , the Xiaguan, Shuiluo, Jiepaiyu, Songpan, Shixia, Wangzhuang and Ninghshan ones. On this basis three minerogenic models are established, and based on studies of their geochemistry and minerogenic mechanisms the prerequisites for prospecting for these types of deposits are given in the paper .
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