资本运作、资产重组 :发展主业的助推器 李 :今年初 ,我在首都机场看见了海南航空的一架飞机 ,是一种翅膀上带有小角翼的那种 ,我以前没有见过 ,有点像 737,但又不太像。这是什么飞机呀 ?陈 :这是我们海航刚从美国购买的新式客机737— 80 0。李 :海南航空真有点财大气粗的味
Capital operation, reorganization of assets: Booster for the development of main business Li: Earlier this year, I saw a plane of Hainan Airlines at the Capital Airport, a kind of wing with wings that I have not seen before. A bit like 737, but not too like. What is this plane? Chen: This is our new passenger plane 737-805, which we just purchased from the United States. Li: Hainan Airlines really a taste of rich and powerful