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长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。2011年6月15日——20日,以“重温辉煌历史、体认长征精神、锤炼理想信念、宣传发展成就”为主题,全国46家党刊社借参加中国期刊协会党刊分会第二届年会之际,在红色贵州举行了“重走长征路?走进红色贵州联合调研采访”活动。100多位来自全国各地的党刊人,先后参观了息烽集中营旧址、遵义会议旧址、青杠 The Long March is a declaration, the Long March is a propaganda team, the Long March is a seeder. From June 15 to June 20, 2011, with the theme of “revisiting the glorious history, recognizing the spirit of the Long March, tempering the ideal and belief, and promoting the achievements in development”, 46 party agencies nationwide took part in the magazine clubs of the China Association of Periodicals On the occasion of the second annual meeting, “Red Crossing the Long March Road, Into the Red Guizhou Joint Investigation and Interview” was held in Guizhou Red. More than 100 party journalists from all over the country visited the sites of Xifeng Concentration Camp, the site of Zunyi Conference and the green bars