Geochronological evidence of Indosinian(high-pressure) metamorphic event and its tectonic significan

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wn208001
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The CL images,LA-ICP-MS in situ trace elements analysis,and U-Pb dating for zircons indicate that the metamorphic ages of the sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneiss and the garnet-amphibole gneiss from eastern Taxkorgan of the Western Kunlun Mountains are 220±2 and 220±3 Ma respectively,and their protolith ages are younger than 253±2 and 480±8 Ma respectively.Two samples were collected at the same outcrops with HP mafic granulite and HP pelitic granulite.Mineral assemblage of the sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneiss(Grt+Sill+Per+Q) is consistent with that of HP pelitic granulite at early high amphibolite-granulite facies stage.Mineral assemblage of the garnet-amphibole gneiss(Grt+Amp+Pl+Q) is consistent with retro-metamorphic assemblage of HP mafic granulite at amphibolite facies stage.The dating results suggest that these HP granulites underwent peak metamorphism at 220±2 to 253±2 Ma.Thus,the Kangxiwar tectonic zone was probably formed by subduction and collision of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during Indosinian.Protolith ages of the two samples,together with previously published U-Pb zircon dating age,suggest that the sillimanite-garnet schist-quartzite unit is a late Paleozoic unit,not a part of the Paleoproterozoic Bulunkuole Group. The CL images, LA-ICP-MS in situ trace elements analysis, and U-Pb dating for zircons indicate that the metamorphic ages of the sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneiss and the garnet-amphibole gneiss from eastern Taxkorgan of the Western Kunlun Mountains are 220 ± 2 and 220 ± 3 Ma respectively. And their protolith ages are younger than 253 ± 2 and 480 ± 8 Ma respectively. Two samples were collected at the same outcrops with HP mafic granulite and HP pelitic granulite. Mineral assemblage of the sillimanite- garnet-biotite gneiss (Grt + Sill + Per + Q) is consistent with that of HP pelitic granulite at early high amphibolite-granite facies stage. Mineral assemblage of the garnet-amphibole gneiss (Grt + Amp + Pl + Q) is consistent with retro-metamorphic assemblage of HP mafic granulite at amphibolite facies stage. the dating results suggest that the HP granulites underwent peak metamorphism at 220 ± 2 to 253 ± 2 Ma.Thus, the Kangxiwar tectonic zone was probably formed by subduction and collision of the Paleo -Tethys Oce an during Indosinian. Protolith ages of the two samples, together with previously published U-Pb zircon dating age, suggest that the sillimanite-garnet schist-quartzite unit is a late Paleozoic unit, not a part of the Paleoproterozoic Bulunkuole Group.
本文通过对奥巴马每周演讲的连接词进行统计分析,发现奥巴马每周演讲中所使用的连接词汇体现了独特的修辞力量。 In this paper, through the statistical analysis of Obam
摘要:在英语文学作品中,蕴藏了数量颇多的典故。这些典故不仅是文学作品中语言的精华之处,更是一部民族史和文化史的缩影。英语典故的形成源自于希腊罗马神话、《圣经》、寓言故事等多种渠道,它以西方文化为基础,向人们展示了独具魅力的文化底蕴和丰富的人生哲理。本文在对英语典故的来源及其在英语文学作品中的妙用进行论述的基础上,总结出英语文学作品中典故的翻译方法。  关键词:英语;文学作品;典故;来源;理据;翻译
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