The absence of the pricing power of the dominant metal minerals in our country has an important impact on the economic growth and economic security in our country. This has led many scholars to construct corresponding models to explain the lack of pricing power. Based on this background, this article combines the generational equity equilibrium and the social preference equilibrium with the Cournot model to solve the technical problems of generation value compensation and strategic value compensation measurement. By measuring and analyzing the demand status and development tax in the superior metal mineral market, Fee subjects, access to the development of compensation-related data, the theoretical model to start a case study validation analysis. Theoretical models and numerical simulations show that, due to the generational inter-generational value and strategic preference, the equal balance between generations and social preferences have promoted the market forces in China’s international trade in metallic minerals. However, the influence of social preferences on market forces is not consistent. Equilibrium of the Noble Equilibrium and Interactive Equilibrium Cournot Equilibrium has a consistent result. The Cournot Equilibrium of unfair aversion has the characteristics of loss aversion, that is, the Gnomonothequ equilibrium with the unfair aversion of sympathy and jealousy when considering the Cournot competition of non-fairness Preferences monotonous transformation. These conclusions and the construction of the theoretical model to achieve an effective combination of the concept of sustainable development and the value of thinking, expand the theoretical framework for the lack of pricing power of mineral resources, and provide a new way for the interpretation of the pricing power of the relevant commodity trade.